Welcome to Polish Cure! A space dedicated to the pursuit of the perfect polish. I earmark magazine pages with manicures that make my heart pitter patter and will ship my cash abroad to find my most wanted shades. Share your polish stories with me and check out what I'm obsessing over.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chasing The Big 'O'

When it comes to making crucial appearance-related decisions I'm used to batting around situations such as how high a heel to wear as a bridesmaid (as not to inflict any unnecessary groomsmen-related emasculation) or determining how flashy is too flashy for a work-related function (as much as I love hearing a good ol' "Too sexy! Too sexy!" coming when I round the corner, work really isn't the place for it). Long story short, between Julie and I we usually have this shiznat on lockdown. We cover the what-ifs, we propose alternative styles, we pull out our best guesses and 9 out of 10, appear fab and prepared for whatever gets tossed our way.
However, just like the wise boys of the Temptations, I ain't too proud to beg or admit when I'm presented with a style conundrum that's got me second-guessing my instincts. Here's where Oprah comes in. See, the big 'O' is running a contest right now for some poor sap who thinks they are really interesting, to win their own show (for the record, anyone entering this contest probably thinks they are far more intriguing than they really are - here's looking at me).
The process for entering the contest goes one of two ways: upload a vid of yourself explaining why you should have your own show in three minutes or less or haul your ass to a designated city for an in-person, group interview and demonstrate you've got the goods. Now, if I've been told one thing about myself since pretty much birth, it's that I'm bubbly and/or energetic. As much as I'd like to think I could convey this in a video, I think I'm better off presenting myself "live" to these people. Likewise, I'm keeping my polished fingers crossed that I get paired with a group of duds so I can really shine like a fierce top coat.
So, come Friday evening Julie and I are loading up the car and heading to Dallas so I can shake my tail feathers for these Hollywood media types and hopefully get a call back for an on-camera audition on Sunday. Now here's the part that I'm struggling with: what color should the tips and toes be for this outing?
My initial instinct was to hit these people with my personality and rock that Essie "Turquoise & Caicos*" shade I picked up and discussed in my last post. Howevs, one must consider a little something called "on-air appearance." I already know I need to stay away from logos or crazy patterns on my clothes and of course, rock some flattering underthings so as to appear trimmer than I truly am, but what about the nails? Go with the turquoise Shelley-style shade or play it safe and go with the ultra-flattering, always chic, classic red**?
I think I know my answer, I mean, when courting the 'O' - a bit of an unconventional gal herself, who espouses being your "authentic self" - I think it's pretty obvious. Still, would love your feedback :) and of course, I'll take some snaps when I go in to get gussied up.
Wish me luck!

*Pic 1: "Turquoise and Caicos," is from Essie's 2010 Resort Collection (a few other kick ass shades in that collection btw). Bottom of the polish bottle says "Turquoise & Caicos" though the web site names it "Turks & Caicos." Also, pic credit goes to a fellow girl in pursuit of awesomeness at http://www.brooklynblonde.com/ - can we talk about how amazing her kitty cat ring is?! Me-ow!
**Pic 2: a standard, OPI's "Big Apple Red"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Summer Switcheroo And A Blue Binge

There's a couple of things I know for certain. For instance, I should never be allowed to dye my hair red (again) and I should not try and convince myself that I can drink gin or whiskey for that matter (again). In this category of certainties is the fact that when Summer gets sprung a girl has got to put the OPI "Lincoln Park After Dark" or "Black Onyx" in my case, back behind the medicine cabinet and reach for something a little less severe.
A new gal pal, Torrey, happened to mention she was going in for a pedi and of course I inquired as to her polish game plan. Well, wouldn't you know, she was kind enough to indulge me with a before and after snap of her Summer polish switcheroo. While I love that old color, I gotta say choice well made sister.
Now, the other thing I know for certain is a woman can never have too many polishes. This is something a man or a less experienced polish pro may never understand. They'd look at two of the three shades I picked up today (Essie "Turquoise & Caicos" and L'Oreal "Waters Edge") and see nothing but two colors that resemble the Olsens. However, a vet like myself knows this: one of these is going to beat the other hands down (pun recognized). I see a little more minty action going on in the Essie shade which makes it feel a tad more appropriate for this time of year, whereas "Water's Edge" definitely has some late Summer, early Fall crossover potential as it is a cooler shade with some muted undertones.   Once I get the chance to lacquer up with these bad boys I'll paste some pics as I have high hopes for both of them. "Turquoise & Caicos" has major Summer-time staying potential and will absolutely look smokin' next to a sun tan.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Julie Saves You $10: Best Part Of SATC2? Samantha's Nails.

Hey gang, giving a major shout out and welcome to my partner-in-crime, roomie and fellow polish addict, Julie. Julie will likely be contributing to Polish Cure just as much as I will, so please get comfy and acquainted. If I could say a word about Julie in the theme of her blog post: she's got the sweetness, propriety and charm of Charlotte (though hers is a more of a southern hospitality, Texas kind of sweetness), the pulled together no-nonsense character of Miranda, a closet full of shoes that honestly (I raid it all the time) rivals Carrie's and as for Samantha... I don't know Jules... that may just be a side of you I haven't seen yet. Without further ado, Julie...

I’ve always loved a good manicure and pedicure, but recently I’ve become OBSESSED! Obsessed with knowing what the latest trends are, finding that perfect shade to match the ad I found in a magazine (and willing to ship money overseas for it!) and the ultimate quest of finding the best salon in town.

So with my new love of all things polish, I took my “looking for the latest trends” eye to the Sex and the City 2 movie this past weekend with my roomie (and blog host) Shelley. And let me just tell you, I was rewarded with an eyeful! Within in the first 15 minutes, I was leaning over and saying “Did you see Samantha’s nails?” From her red and gold reverse French manicure, to the mirror-like metallic finish, to the turquoise jewels bedazzled to her nails, I have to say, Samantha’s nails stole the show for me. And if I had to choose my favorite, I think I would go with the red and gold reverse French manicure. Now all I need is a reason to wear a crazy, over the top manicure!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

When In Self Doubt Distract With Neon Nails!

With Memorial Day upon us I knew one thing for certain - I'd have to face the traumatizing experience of stuffing myself in to a bathing suit and spending some time sucking in my tummy while guzzling bloat inducing cocktails. In public. With a diet out of the question (and let's get serious, I was never going to diet anyway, especially not for something as D-list as Memorial Day) I turned to a trusty fail safe: DISTRACTING ACCESSORIES! Picked out a turquoise bikini, a fedora with an ever so charming parrot on it, and went for the boldest Summer hue I've been lusting after lately: neon orange*. There was a minor battle between this orange and an equally blinding neon pink but after putting out some feelers to my peeps on Facebook it was a slam dunk - orange you glad I picked this shade? I sure am.
*With this being my first post I realize one huge faux pas I made while getting this particular mani-pedi - I didn't get the polish brand. Yikes. What a rookie. I'll do better next time, I promise.